Sunburn UV Index is an UV Index viewer showing you the maximum expected UV Index for your current location.Ultraviolet radiation from the Sun has many healthy properties, but overexposure can affects your health. An excessive ammount can have sever effects, from sunburn, eye damage, skin aging, skin cancer or immune supression. So it's important to know the current ultraviolet radiation so you can protect yourself.
It's important to remember that ultraviolet radiation can be increased by high reflective surfaces (like water, snow or sand). Also, UV intensity increases with altitude. In a cloudy ray, the cloudscover reduces UV level, but not completely. It is possible to burn even if it does not feel warm.
The UVI is an international, scientific measure of the level of Ultraviolet radiation from th sun.
Features• Find current location automatically on startup• Current local UV Index • Display advices on how to protect based on the current UV Index( recommended protection, required equipment, sunblock information)• UV Index information provided by